giovedì 19 giugno 2014

Blackholes, Wormholes and the Tenth Dimension

Will these concepts be proven by a theory of everything?

Last June, astronomers were toasting each other with champagne glasses in laboratories around the world, savoring their latest discovery. The repaired $2 billion Hubble Space Telescope, once the laughing stock of the scientific community, had snared its most elusive prize: a black hole. But the discovery of the Holy Grail of astrophysics may also rekindle a long simmering debate within the physics community. What lies on the other side of a black hole? If someone foolishly fell into a black hole, will they be crushed by its immense gravity, as most physicists believe, or will they be propelled into a parallel universe or emerge in another time era? To solve this complex question, physicists are opening up one of the most bizarre and tantalizing chapters in modern physics. They have to navigate a minefield of potentially explosive theories, such as the possibility of “wormholes,” “white holes,” time machines, and even the 10th dimension! This controversy may well validate J.B.S. Haldane’s wry observation that the universe is “not only queerer than we sup- pose, it is queerer than we can suppose.” This delicious controversy, which delights theoretical physicists but boggles the mind of mere mortals, is the subject of my recent book, Hyperspace.

Black Holes: Collapsed Stars

A black hole, simply put, is a massive, dead star whose gravity is so intense than even light cannot escape, hence its name. By definition, it can’t be seen, so NASA scientists focused instead on the tiny core of the galaxy M87, a super massive “cosmic engine” 50 million light years from earth. Astronomers then showed that the core of M87 consisted of a ferocious, swirling maelstrom of superhot hydrogen gas spinning at l.2 million miles per hour. To keep this spinning disk of gas from violently flying apart in all directions, there had to be a colossal mass concentrated at its center, weighing as much as 2 to 3 billion suns! An object with that staggering mass would be massive enough to prevent light from escaping. Ergo, a black hole.

The Einstein-Rosen Bridge

But this also revives an ongoing controversy surrounding black holes. The best description of a spinning black hole was given in 1963 by the New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr, using Einstein’s equations of gravity. But there is a quirky feature to his solution. It predicts that if one fell into a black hole, one might be sucked down a tunnel (called the “Einstein-Rosen bridge”) and shot out a “white hole” in a parallel universe! Kerr showed that a spinning black hole would collapse not into a point, but to a “ring of fire.” Because the ring was spinning rapidly, centrifugal forces would keep it from collapsing. Remarkably, a space probe fired directly through the ring would not be crushed into oblivion, but might actually emerge unscratched on the other side of the Einstein-Rosen bridge, in a parallel universe. This “wormhole” may connect two parallel universes, or even distant parts of the same universe.

Through the Looking Glass

The simplest way to visualize a Kerr wormhole is to think of Alice’s Looking Glass. Anyone walking through the Looking Glass would be transported instantly into Wonderland, a world where animals talked in riddles and common sense wasn’t so common.

The rim of the Looking Glass corresponds to the Kerr ring. Anyone walking through the Kerr ring might be transported to the other side of the universe or even the past. Like two Siamese twins joined at the hip, we now have two universes joined via the Looking Glass. Some physicists have wondered whether black holes or worm- holes might someday be used as shortcuts to another sector of our universe, or even as a time machine to the distant past (making possible the swashbuckling exploits in Star Wars). However, we caution that there are skeptics. The critics concede that hundreds of wormhole solutions have now been found to Einstein’s equations, and hence they cannot be lightly dismissed as the ravings of crack pots. But they point out that wormholes might be unstable, or that intense radiation and sub-atomic forces surrounding the entrance to the wormhole would kill anyone who dared to enter. Spirited debates have erupted between physicists concerning these wormholes. Unfortunately, this controversy cannot be re- solved, because Einstein’s equations break down at the center of black holes or wormholes, where radiation and sub-atomic forces might be ferocious enough to collapse the entrance. The problem is Einstein’s theory only works for gravity, not the quantum forces which govern radiation and sub-atomic particles. What is needed is a theory which embraces both the quantum theory of radiation and gravity simultaneously. In a word, to solve the problem of quantum black holes, we need a “theory of everything!”

A Theory of Everything?

One of the crowning achievements of 20th century science is that all the laws of physics, at a fundamental level, can be summarized by just two formalisms: (1) Einstein’s theory of gravity, which gives us a cosmic description of the very large, i.e. galaxies, black holes and the Big Bang, and (2) the quantum theory, which gives us a microscopic description of the very small, i.e. the microcosm of sub-atomic particles and radiation. But the supreme irony, and surely one of Nature’s cosmic jokes, is that they look bewilderingly different; even the world’s greatest physicists, including Einstein and Heisenberg, have failed to unify these into one. The two theories use different mathematics and different physical principles to describe the universe in their respective domains, the cosmic and the microscopic. Fortunately, we now have a candidate for this theory. (In fact, it is the only candidate. Scores of rival proposals have all been shown to be inconsistent.) It’s called “superstring theory,” and almost effortlessly unites gravity with a theory of radiation, which is required to solve the problem of quantum wormholes. The superstring theory can explain the mysterious quantum laws of sub-atomic physics by postulating that sub-atomic particles are really just resonances or vibrations of a tiny string. The vibrations of a violin string correspond to musical notes; likewise the vibrations of a superstring correspond to the particles found in nature. The universe is then a symphony of vibrating strings. An added bonus is that, as a string moves in time, it warps the fabric of space around it, producing black holes, wormholes, and other exotic solutions of Einstein’s equations. Thus, in one stroke, the superstring theory unites both the theory of Einstein and quantum physics into one coherent, compelling picture.

A 10 Dimensional Universe

The curious feature of superstrings, however, is that they can only vibrate in 10 dimensions. This is, in fact, one of the reasons why it can unify the known forces of the universe: in 10 dimensions there is “more room” to accommodate both Einstein’s theory of gravity as well as sub-atomic physics. In some sense, previous attempts at unifying the forces of nature failed because a standard four dimensional theory is “too small” to jam all the forces into one mathematical framework. To visualize higher dimensions, consider a Japanese tea garden, where carp spend their entire lives swimming on the bottom of a shallow pond. The carp are only vaguely aware of a world beyond the surface. To a carp “scientist,” the universe only consists of two dimensions, length and width. There is no such thing as “height.” In fact, they are incapable of imagining a third dimension beyond the pond. The word “up” has no meaning for them. (Imagine their distress if we were to suddenly lift them out of their two dimensional universe into “hyperspace,” i.e. our world!) However, if it rains, then the surface of their pond becomes rippled. Although the third dimension is beyond their comprehension, they can clearly see the waves traveling on the pond’s surface. Likewise, although we earthlings cannot “see” these higher dimensions, we can see their ripples when they vibrate. According to this theory, “light” is nothing but vibrations rippling along the 5th dimension. By adding higher dimensions, we can easily accommodate more and more forces, including the nuclear forces. In a nutshell: the more dimensions we have, the more forces we can accommodate. One persistent criticism of this theory, however, is that we do not see these higher dimensions in the laboratory. At present, every event in the universe, from the tiniest sub-atomic decay to exploding galaxies, can be described by 4 numbers (length, width, depth, and time), not 10 numbers. To answer this criticism, many physicists believe (but cannot yet prove) that the universe at the instant of the Big Bang was in fact fully 10 dimensional. Only after the instant of creation did 6 of the 10 dimensions “curled up” into a ball too tiny to observe. In a real sense, this theory is really a theory of creation, when the full power of 10 dimensional space-time was manifest.

21st Century Physics

Not surprisingly, the mathematics of the 10th dimensional superstring is breathtakingly beautiful as well as brutally complex, and has sent shock waves through the mathematics community. Entirely new areas of mathematics have been opened up by this theory. Unfortunately, at present no one is smart enough to solve the problem of a quantum black hole. As Edward Witten of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton has claimed, “String theory is 21st century physics that fell accidentally into the 20th century.” However, 21st century mathematics necessary to solve quantum black holes has not yet been discovered! However, since the stakes are so high, that hasn’t stopped teams of enterprising physicists from trying to solve superstring theory. Already, over 5,000 papers have been written on the subject. As Nobel laureate Steve Weinberg said, “how can anyone expect that many of the brightest young theorists would not work on it?” Progress has been slow but steady. Last year, a significant breakthrough was announced. Several groups of physicists independently announced that string theory can completely solve the problem of a quantum black hole. (However, the calculation was so fiendishly difficult it could only be performed in two, not 10, dimensions.) So that’s where we stand today. Many physicists now feel that it’s only a matter of time before some enterprising physicist completely cracks this ticklish problem. The equations, although difficult, are well-defined. So until then, it’s still a bit premature to buy tickets to the nearest wormhole to visit the next galaxy or hunt dinosaurs!

sabato 14 giugno 2014

The Physics of Time Travel

Is it real, or is it fable?

In H.G. Wells’ novel, The Time Machine, our protagonist jumped into a special chair with blinking lights, spun a few dials, and found himself catapulted several hundred thousand years into the future, where England has long disappeared and is now inhabited by strange creatures called the Morlocks and Eloi. That may have made great fiction, but physicists have always scoffed at the idea of time travel, considering it to be the realm of cranks, mystics, and charlatans, and with good reason.

However, rather remarkable advances in quantum gravity are reviving the theory; it has now become fair game for theoretical physicists writing in the pages of Physical Review magazine. One stubborn problem with time travel is that it is riddled with several types of paradoxes. For example, there is the paradox of the man with no parents, i.e. what happens when you go back in time and kill your parents before you are born? Question: if your parents died before you were born, then how could you have been born to kill them in the first place?

There is also the paradox of the man with no past. For example, let’s say that a young inventor is trying futilely to build a time machine in his garage. Suddenly, an elderly man appears from nowhere and gives the youth the secret of building a time machine. The young man then becomes enormously rich playing the stock market, race tracks, and sporting events because he knows the future. Then, as an old man, he decides to make his final trip back to the past and give the secret of time travel to his youthful self. Question: where did the idea of the time machine come from?

There is also the paradox of the man who is own mother (my apologies to Heinlein.) “Jane” is left at an orphanage as a foundling. When “Jane” is a teenager, she falls in love with a drifter, who abandons her but leaves her pregnant. Then disaster strikes. She almost dies giving birth to a baby girl, who is then mysteriously kidnapped. The doctors find that Jane is bleeding badly, but, oddly enough, has both sex organs. So, to save her life, the doctors convert “Jane” to “Jim.”

“Jim” subsequently becomes a roaring drunk, until he meets a friendly bartender (actually a time traveler in disguise) who wisks “Jim” back way into the past. “Jim” meets a beautiful teenage girl, accidentally gets her pregnant with a baby girl. Out of guilt, he kidnaps the baby girl and drops her off at the orphanage. Later, “Jim” joins the time travelers corps, leads a distinguished life, and has one last dream: to disguise himself as a bartender to meet a certain drunk named “Jim” in the past. Question: who is “Jane’s” mother, father, brother, sister, grand- father, grandmother, and grandchild?

Not surprisingly, time travel has always been considered impossible. After all, Newton believed that time was like an arrow; once fired, it soared in a straight, undeviating line. One second on the earth was one second on Mars. Clocks scattered throughout the universe beat at the same rate. Einstein gave us a much more radical picture. According to Einstein, time was more like a river, which meandered around stars and galaxies, speeding up and slowing down as it passed around massive bodies. One second on the earth was Not one second on Mars. Clocks scattered throughout the universe beat to their own distant drummer.

However, before Einstein died, he was faced with an embarrassing problem. Einstein’s neighbor at Princeton, Kurt Goedel, perhaps the greatest mathematical logician of the past 500 years, found a new solution to Einstein’s own equations which allowed for time travel! The “river of time” now had whirlpools in which time could wrap itself into a circle. Goedel’s solution was quite ingenious: it postulated a universe filled with a rotating fluid. Anyone walking along the direction of rotation would find themselves back at the starting point, but backwards in time!

In his memoirs, Einstein wrote that he was disturbed that his equations contained solutions that allowed for time travel. But he finally concluded: the universe does not rotate, it ex- pands (i.e. as in the Big Bang theory) and hence Goedel’s solution could be thrown out for “physical reasons.” (Apparently, if the Big Bang was rotating, then time travel would be possible throughout the universe!)

Then in 1963, Roy Kerr, a New Zealand mathematician, found a solution of Einstein’s equations for a rotating black hole, which had bizarre properties. The black hole would not collapse to a point (as previously thought) but into a spinning ring (of neutrons). The ring would be circulating so rapidly that centrifugal force would keep the ring from collapsing under gravity. The ring, in turn, acts like the Looking Glass of Alice. Anyone walking through the ring would not die, but could pass through the ring into an alternate universe. Since then, hundreds of other “wormhole” solutions have been found to Einstein’s equations. These wormholes connect not only two regions of space (hence the name) but also two regions of time as well. In principle, they can be used as time machines.

Recently, attempts to add the quantum theory to gravity (and hence create a “theory of everything”) have given us some insight into the paradox problem. In the quantum theory, we can have multiple states of any object. For example, an electron can exist simultaneously in different orbits (a fact which is responsible for giving us the laws of chemistry). Similarly, Schrodinger’s famous cat can exist simultaneously in two possible states: dead and alive. So by going back in time and altering the past, we merely create a parallel universe. So we are changing someone ELSE’s past by saving, say, Abraham Lincoln from being assassinated at the Ford Theater, but our Lincoln is still dead. In this way, the river of time forks into two separate rivers. But does this mean that we will be able to jump into H.G. Wells’ machine, spin a dial, and soar several hundred thousand years into England’s future? No. There are a number of difficult hurdles to overcome.

First, the main problem is one of energy. In the same way that a car needs gasoline, a time machine needs to have fabulous amounts of energy. One either has to harness the power of a star, or to find something called “exotic” matter (which falls up, rather than down) or find a source of negative energy. (Physicists once thought that negative energy was impossible. But tiny amounts of negative energy have been experimentally verified for something called the Casimir effect, i.e. the energy created by two parallel plates). All of these are exceedingly difficult to obtain in large quantities, at least for several more centuries!

Then there is the problem of stability. The Kerr black hole, for example, may be unstable if one falls through it. Similarly, quantum effects may build up and destroy the wormhole before you enter it. Unfortunately, our mathematics is not powerful enough to answer the question of stability because you need a “theory of everything” which combines both quantum forces and gravity. At present, superstring theory is the leading candidate for such a theory (in fact, it is the ONLY candidate; it really has no rivals at all). But superstring theory, which happens to be my specialty, is still to difficult to solve completely. The theory is well-defined, but no one on earth is smart enough to solve it.

Interestingly enough, Stephen Hawking once opposed the idea of time travel. He even claimed he had “empirical” evidence against it. If time travel existed, he said, then we would have been visited by tourists from the future. Since we see no tourists from the future, ergo: time travel is not possible. Because of the enormous amount of work done by theoretical physicists within the last 5 years or so, Hawking has since changed his mind, and now believes that time travel is possible (although not necessarily practical). (Furthermore, perhaps we are simply not very interesting to these tourists from the future. Anyone who can harness the power of a star would consider us to be very primitive. Imagine your friends coming across an ant hill. Would they bend down to the ants and give them trinkets, books, medicine, and power? Or would some of your friends have the strange urge to step on a few of them?)

In conclusion, don’t turn someone away who knocks at your door one day and claims to be your future great-great-great grandchild. They may be right.

martedì 10 giugno 2014


Due scienziati - un astrofisico Robert Nemiroff e Teresa Wilson dalla Michigan Technological University hanno recentemente iniziato uno studio per verificare la presenza in Internet di viaggiatori del tempo nei social media.
Secondo Nemiroff, queste persone dal futuro potrebbero aver lasciato una scia su siti come Facebook o Twitter, come ad esempio una menzione di un evento che deve ancora verificarsi.
Per testare l'idea di cercare viaggiatori del tempo, Nemiroff  ha focalizzato l'attenzione  su due soggetti, Cometa ISON e Papa Francesco. L'obiettivo era quello di trovare riferimenti su questi 2 eventi anteriori al loro verificarsi.  Purtroppo per loro la ricerca durata mesi è stata vana .....Ma questo non significa che i viaggi nel tempo non siano possibili, a quanto pare: 'Potrebbe essere fisicamente impossibile per noi trovare informazioni perchè si violerebbe una legge ancora sconosciuta della fisica,' Nemiroff e Wilson hanno scritto nello studio pubblicato nel mese di dicembre.
'Viaggiatori del tempo potrebbero non voler essere trovati, e possono essere bravi a coprire le loro tracce.' .....
---------------------------------English version-------------------------------

Two scientists - an astrophysicist Robert Nemiroff and Teresa Wilson from Michigan Technological University have recently begun a study to testthe Internet presence of time travelers in social media. According to Nemiroff, these people from the future may have left a trail of sites like Facebook or Twittersuch as a mention of an event that has yet to occur.To test the idea of ​​looking for time travelers, Nemiroff has focused on two subjects, Comet ISON and Pope Francis. The goal was to find references
on these 2 events prior to their occurrence. Unfortunately for them the search was in vain for months ..... But this does not mean that time travel is not possible, apparentlyBut this does not mean that time travel is not possible, apparently: 'It might be physically impossible for us to find information because it would violate a unknown physics, 'Nemiroff and Wilson wrote in the study published in the month of December. 'Time travelers may not want to be found, and can be good to cover their tracks. ' .....

Mistero : il caso del cunicolo spazio-tempo in Antartide / Mystery: the case of space-time tunnel in Antarctica

Quanto riportato nel presente articolo è solo per dovere di cronaca, non rappresenta necessariamente il pensiero dell'autore.

La Porta temporale in Antartide
Il 27 gennaio 1996 la ricercatrice Marianne McLein, parte di un gruppo di scienziati americani e inglesi che stavano svolgendo le loro ricerche sul suolo del continente antartico, diede notizia agli altri membri della sua équipe di aver osservato un vortice di nebbia grigia al di sopra del Polo Sud che riteneva trattarsi di una tempesta. Nel corso del tempo la grande nube grigia non cambiò forma né si spostò dal sito in cui era stata osservata. I ricercatori decisero pertanto di investigare sullo strano fenomeno e lanciando verso il cielo un pallone sonda di tipo meteorologico con strumentazioni in grado di registrare la velocità del vento, la temperatura e la composizione dell’aria. Il pallone salì in alto e, raggiunta la perturbazione, scomparve immediatamente alla vista degli sbalorditi ricercatori lasciando penzolare verso il basso la fune di nylon a cui era fissato.
Appena gli scienziati si resero conto che accadeva qualcosa di anomalo afferrano la fune che tratteneva il pallone meteorologico e lo tirarono verso il basso e dopo averlo recuperato controllarono i dati rilevati dalle apparecchiature di bordo. Con sorpresa si accorsero che il cronometro che faceva parte della strumentazione del pallone sonda mostrava la data del 27 gennaio del 1965. Lo stesso giorno, ma di trent’anni prima.

I ricercatori controllarono che l’equipaggiamento fosse funzionante e decisero di ripetere il lancio del pallone sonda dentro la nube grigia immobile sulle loro teste. Ma tutte le volte l’orologio di bordo mostrò sempre la data del passato. Il fenomeno venne classificato dai ricercatori con il nome di “Time Gate” e venne fatto rapporto alla Casa Bianca. Attualmente, secondo le varie notizie pervenute dai media americani, le indagini su l’inspiegabile fenomeno sono ancora in corso e si suppone che il vortice sopra il Polo Sud possa essere un tunnel con proprietà simili a quelli di un wormhole che consenta di penetrare dentro altre dimensioni temporali. Alcuni ricercatori hanno avanzato l’ipotesi che potrebbe trattarsi di un wormhole artificiale attivato dagli esperimenti dei sovietici negli anni ’80. Sarebbe allo studio un programma che prevede la possibilità di far esplorare il varco temporale direttamente dai ricercatori. La CIA e l’FBI ne avrebbero , comunque , il completo controllo. Diversi punti sono incongruenti nella precedente storia a partire dal nome della ricercatrice che dovrebbe essere Mariann(non Marianne), l'anno in cui è successo l'episodio qualcuno riporta 1996 altri 1995. La maggioranza dei media riportano comunque che tutto dovrebbe essere legato al ritrovamento in anni precedenti di un manufatto nelle profondità dell'antartide, in una zona di competenza di ricercatori USA,un manufatto che a quanto pare antico di 12000 anni avrebbe particolari capacità "energetiche" e che sarebbe il responsabile del generarsi della strana nube descritta. Un punto è da sottolineare, è verificato e provato che negli anni 80 furono inviate enormi e sperimentali macchine da trivellazione in Antartide, macchine di proprietà dell' AIR FORCE!(che c'entra l'aeronautica!)

---------------------------------ENGLISH VERSION-------------------------------------
The information in this article is just for the record , does not necessarily represent the thoughts of the author.

The port storm in Antarctica
On 27 January 1996, the researcher Marianne McLein , part of a group of American and British scientists who were conducting their own research on the soil of the Antarctic continent , gave notice to the other members of his team had observed a swirl of gray mist above the South Pole which he considered to be a storm. Over time the great gray cloud did not change shape or moved from the site where it was observed . The researchers therefore decided to investigate the strange phenomenon and launched a weather balloon into the sky with meteorological instrumentation capable of recording wind speed , temperature and air composition . The balloon rose high and reached the disturbance , immediately disappeared from the sight of stunned researchers dangling down the nylon rope to which it was attached .
As soon as scientists realized that something unusual was happening grab the rope that held the weather balloon and pulled him down, and after having checked the recovered data collected by on-board equipment . With surprise he noticed that the clock that was part of the instrumentation of the weather balloon displayed the date of January 27, 1965. On the same day , but thirty years before .
The researchers checked that the equipment was working and decided to repeat the launch of the balloon inside the motionless gray cloud over their heads. But every time the clock edge always showed the date of the past. The phenomenon was classified by researchers as the " Gate Time " and was made to report to the White House . Currently , according to various reports received by the U.S. media , the investigation of the unexplained phenomenon are still ongoing and it is assumed that the vortex over the South Pole can be a tunnel with properties similar to those of a wormhole that allows to penetrate into other temporal dimensions . Some researchers have suggested that there may be an artificial wormhole activated by the experiments of the Soviets in the 80s. It would be studying a program that provides the opportunity to explore the passage of time directly by the researchers. The CIA and the FBI they would , however, have complete control . Several points are inconsistent in the previous story from the name of the researcher should be Mariann (not Marianne ), the year in which the incident happened back in 1996 someone other 1995. The majority of media reports , however, that everything should be linked to the finding in the earlier years of an artifact in the depths of Antarctica , an area of expertise of researchers from the U.S., an artifact that apparently 12,000 years old have special skills "energy" and that would be responsible for the strange cloud generated as described . A point worth noting is , that is verified and tested in the 80s were sent enormous and experimental machines for drilling in Antarctica , machines owned by the ' AIR FORCE ! (Which does the Air Force ! )


La spiegazione è offerta dal fenomeno detto Entrainment (inglese: trascinamento), che la scienza definisce in questo modo:
"Un processo nel quale due sistemi oscillanti che abbiano un periodo(1) differente, quando isolati, interagendo tendono ad assumere lo stesso periodo. I due sistemi possono giungere alla sincronicità (2), ma sono possibili altre relazioni di fase. Il sistema con la frequenza maggiore rallenta e l'altro accelera". Il fenomeno fu rilevato per la prima volta dal fisico Christian Huygens nel 1666, che coniò anche il termine specifico. Egli osservò che due orologi a pendolo posti uno vicino all'altro, avevano assunto esattamente lo stesso ritmo d'oscillazione; successivi esperimenti confermarono il risultato. Notoriamente, nel primo esperimento, i due orologi a pendolo si stabilizzarono in "anti fase", ma ciò soddisfa la definizione di "entrainment" in quanto avevano esattamente lo stesso periodo d'oscillazione. La motivazione di questo fenomeno, comunemente accettata nell'ambiente scientifico, è:
"Una piccola quantità d'energia é trasferita tra i due sistemi quando essi sono fuori fase (fuori sincronia) per mezzo di un fenomeno detto "feedback negativo" (3). Quando essi tendono ad assumere una relazione di fase più stabile, la quantità d'energia trasferita tende gradualmente a zero, con l'effetto di mantenere in equilibrio di fase i due sistemi. Nel regno della fisica, l'entrainment appare legato alle leggi della "risonanza".
E' interessante notare come i termini utilizzati dalla scienza per descrivere questo fenomeno siano singolarmente vicini ad alcuni utilizzati in "materia" spirituale, come "risonanza" o "sincronicità", quest'ultimo coniato da Carl Gustav Jung per descrivere il "principio di connessione acausale", cioè uno schema di connessione tra eventi diversi - definiti coincidenze significative - che non può essere spiegato con una causalità diretta. (4) La scienza, ancora oggi, non ha una chiara ed approfondita comprensione di "come" l'energia sia trasferita da un pendolo all'altro, ma osserva che ciò avviene, con significative variazioni della frequenza dei sistemi coinvolti. La conoscenza del principio dell'entrainment ha suscitato studi scientifici di cronobiologia sul funzionamento degli orologi biologici negli esseri viventi, sui disturbi del sonno, sui ritmi circadiani.(5) Esistono anche studi approfonditi di "sincronizzazione delle onde cerebrali", in inglese "brainwawes entrainment", secondo i quali è possibile suscitare specifiche frequenze nelle onde cerebrali (per esempio, quelle riscontrate negli stati di meditazione profonda) con adeguati stimoli esterni, basandosi sul principio dell'entrainment. (6)
1)Periodo = in Fisica, è il numero di cicli nell’unità di tempo (tempo/cicli). Il tempo necessario per completare un’intera rivoluzione del sistema in esame. “Periodo” è anche l’inverso di Frequenza.
2)Sincronismo = il coordinamento degli eventi coinvolti necessario per operare un sistema all’unisono
3)Processo secondo il quale un sistema reagisce in modo opposto e contrario ad uno stimolo asincrono, considerato perturbazione del suo equilibrio. Tende a stabilizzare il sistema nei confronti dei cambiamenti, a mantenere stabili le condizioni iniziali del sistema. In antitesi, esiste il feedback positivo, processo nel quale il sistema reagisce in modo conforme ad uno stimolo sincrono, con il risultato di amplificare lo stato iniziale del sistema stesso. Si noti che i termini “negativo” e “positivo” non riferiscono alla “desiderabilità” del fenomeno, quanto piuttosto al segno matematico del fattore di moltiplicazione incluso nell’equazione che rappresenta il fenomeno.
-----------------------------------ENGLISH VERSION-----------------------------------  
The explanation is offered by the phenomenon called entrainment (English: drag and drop) , that science defines it this way :

" A process in which two oscillating systems which have a period ( 1 ) different, when isolated , interacting tend to assume the same period. The two systems can come to the synchronicity ( 2 ) , but there are other possible phase relationships . System with the higher frequency slows down and accelerates the other . " The phenomenon was detected for the first time in 1666 by the physicist Christian Huygens , who also coined the term specific . He observed that two pendulum clocks placed near one another, had taken exactly the same rate of oscillation ; subsequent experiments confirmed the result. Famously , in the first experiment , the two pendulum clocks stabilized in "anti phase " , but it meets the definition of " entrainment " in that they had exactly the same period of oscillation . The motivation of this phenomenon, commonly accepted within the scientific community , is:

" A small amount of energy is transferred between the two systems when they are out of phase ( out of sync ) by means of a phenomenon called " negative feedback "(3 ) . When they tend to assume a more stable phase relationship , the amount energy transferred gradually tends to zero , with the effect of keeping the two phase equilibrium systems . in the realm of physics, entrainment appears to be linked to the laws of "resonance" .

And ' interesting to note that the terms used by science to describe this phenomenon are individually close to some used in "matter" spiritual , such as " resonance " or " synchronicity " , the latter coined by Carl Jung to describe the "principle of free acausal ", ie a pattern of connection between different events - defined meaningful coincidences - that can not be explained by a direct causality . (4) The science still does not have a clear and thorough understanding of "how" the energy is transferred from one pendulum to the other, but notes that this takes place , with significant variations in the frequency of the systems involved . The knowledge of the principle dell'entrainment has aroused scientific studies of chronobiology on the functioning of biological clocks in living things , sleep disorders , circadian clock . (5) There are also extensive studies of " brainwave synchronization " , in English " brainwawes entrainment , "according to which it is possible to elicit specific brainwave frequencies in ( for example, those found in the states of deep meditation ) with appropriate external stimuli , based on the principle dell'entrainment . ( 6 )

1= Period in Physics , is the number of cycles in the unit time ( time / cycles ) . The time required to complete an entire revolution of the test system . "Period" is the inverse of frequency .
2= Synchronous coordination of events involved needed to operate a system in unison
3Process according to which a system reacts in the opposite way and contrary to a stimulus asynchronous , considered perturbation of its balance. Tends to stabilize the system approach to change , to maintain stable initial conditions of the system. In contrast , there is the positive feedback , the process in which the system reacts to a stimulus complies synchronously, with the result of amplifying the initial state of the system itself . Note that the terms "negative" and "positive" does not refer to the " desirability " of the phenomenon , but rather the mathematical sign of the multiplication factor included in the equation that represents the phenomenon .
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Wormhole: la migliore soluzione al mistero del viaggio nel tempo - Wormhole: The best solution to the mystery of time travel

Nonostante i "muoni" , minuscole particelle simili agli elettroni, siano stati inviati avanti nel tempo manipolando la gravità intorno a loro, gli scienziati sanno di essere ancora ben lontani da sviluppare una tecnologia in grado di inviare uomini nel futuro. E' vero la teoria della Relatività non vieta la possibilità del viaggio nel tempo nel futuro, ma il viaggio nel passato è ancora relegato nei romanzi e nei film di fantascienza, difatti ancora più scontro crea tra gli scienziati la possibilità di spostarsi indietro nel tempo.Eppure, astrofisico Eric W. Davis, dell'Istituto Internazionale EarthTech for Advanced Studies di Austin, sostiene che è possibile, attraverso un mezzo ,ancora solo teorico, che è il wormhole niente altro che un passaggio teorico attraverso lo spazio-tempo che è previsto dalla relatività, non a caso Einstein teorizzò con il fisico Rosen uno di questi cunicoli (ponte di Einstein-Rosen). Secondo Davis si può andare nel futuro o nel passato utilizzando wormhole attraversabili. Sia la teoria generale della relatività ch la teoria quantistica sembrano offrire diverse possibilità per viaggiare lungo quello che i fisici chiamano "curva chiusa tipo tempo", o un percorso che attraversa il tempo e lo spazio, in sostanza, una macchina del tempo.
Un wormhole consentirebbe ad una astronave di partire da un punto ed arrivare ad un altro prima che la luce completi il suo percorso, semplicemente utilizzando una scorciatoia "wormhole" (buco del bruco n.d.r.) attraverso lo spazio-tempo. In questo modo, il veicolo non viene effettivamente rompere la regola universale che non è possibile superare la velocità della luce perché la nave effettivamente mai viaggia ad una velocità più veloce della luce,verrebbe quindi utilizzato non solo per tagliare lo spazio ma anche il tempo.Secondo le attuali conoscenze degli scienziati, mantenere un wormhole abbastanza stabile per attraversarlo richiede grandi quantità di materia esotica, una sostanza che è ancora molto poco conosciuta, materia necessaria per accelerare a velocità relativistiche una estremità del wormhole (fondamentale per la riuscita della macchina del tempo). I fisici avrebbero dovuto trovare un modo per generare e sfruttare grandi quantità di materia esotica se sperano di raggiungere questo viaggio quasi-più veloce della luce
Ci sono diverse teorie su come le leggi della fisica potrebbero funzionare per impedire viaggio nel tempo e sui rischi a compiere tali esperimenti,teorie filosofiche molto spesso più che fisiche tutte ben argomentate, vedi la teoria della protezione cosmologica.....
-----------------------------ENGLISH VERSION-------------------------------
Despite the " muon " , tiny particles similar to electrons , have been sent back in time by manipulating the gravity around them , scientists know they are still far from developing a technology to send men into the future. It 's true the theory of relativity does not forbid the possibility of time travel into the future, but the journey is still relegated to the past in novels and science fiction movie, in fact, creates even more conflict among scientists the chance to move back in time. Yet , astrophysicist Eric W. Davis, EarthTech International Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, argues that it is possible, through a medium , still only theoretical , that the wormhole is nothing more than a theoretical passage through space - time that is predicted by relativity , not by chance Einstein theorized with the physical Rosen one of these burrows ( Einstein- Rosen bridge ) . According to Davis, you can go in the future or in the past using traversable wormholes . Both the general theory of relativity, quantum theory ch seem to offer several possibilities to travel along what physicists call " closed time-like curve ," or a path that travels through time and space , in essence, a time machine .
A wormhole would allow a spaceship to get from one point to another , and before the light to complete its journey , simply by using a shortcut " wormhole " ( hole caterpillar ed) through space - time . In this way , the vehicle is not actually break the universal rule that it is not possible to exceed the speed of light because the ship never actually travels at a speed faster than light , would then be used to cut not only the space but also time . according to the current knowledge of scientists, maintain a wormhole stable enough to cross it requires large amounts of exotic matter , a substance that is still very little known, the field required to accelerate to relativistic speeds one end of the wormhole ( essential for the success of the Time Machine ) . Physicists would have to find a way to generate and exploit large amounts of exotic matter if they hope to reach this quasi- travel faster than light
There are several theories about how the laws of physics might work to prevent time travel and the risks to carry out such experiments , philosophical theories very often more than physical .... but all well argued , see the theory of cosmological protection ... ..

Scienza: Nuova particella Esotica - Science: New Exotic particle

Fisici in Germania e negli Stati Uniti hanno scoperto un nuovo tipo di particella esotica battezzata dropleton. Scrivendo nella rivista Nature,gli scienziati, hanno dichiarato che questa materia si comporta un po 'come una goccia liquido e l'hanno descritta come una quasiparticella, un amalgama di piccoli tipi di particelle La scoperta, hanno aggiunto, potrebbe essere utile per lo sviluppo delle nanotecnologie, compresa la progettazione di dispositivi optoelettronici (Blu-ray ecc...).Negli esperimenti i fisici utilizzano un laser ultra-veloce che emette circa 100 milioni di impulsi al secondo, la "goccia quantum", come è stata definita, è apparsa solo per circa 2,5 miliardesimi di secondo. Ciò non sembra molto, ma gli scienziati hanno detto che è abbastanza stabile per la ricerca su come la luce interagisce con alcuni tipi di materia. Le particelle sono i mattoni fondamentali della materia. Essi includono cose come entità subatomiche come gli elettroni, protoni, neutroni e quark. Gli scienziati tedeschi hanno lavorato con un team guidato dal fisico Steven Cundiff a Jila, un istituto di fisica congiunta dell'Università del Colorado.Gli esperimenti laser sono stati eseguiti utilizzando un semiconduttore di gallio e arsenico, che ha rilevato la nuova particella, seppur fugacemente. : "Anche se questo accade così rapidamente, è utile per capire che succede", ha detto Cundiff per e-mail.
          ----------------ENGLISH VERSION----------------------

Physicists in Germany and the United States have discovered a new type of exotic particle baptized dropleton . Writing in the journal Nature, the scientists , have stated that this matter behaves a bit ' as a liquid drop and have described it as a quasiparticle , an amalgam of small particle types The discovery , they added , could be useful for the development nanotechnology , including the design of optoelectronic devices ( Blu-ray etc ...) . During the experiments, the physicists use ultra-fast laser that emits about 100 million pulses per second , the " quantum drop ," as it is called , appeared only about 2.5 billionths of a second. This does not sound like much, but scientists have said that it is stable enough to research on how light interacts with certain types of matter. The particles are the fundamental building blocks of matter. They include things like subatomic entities such as electrons , protons , neutrons and quarks. The German scientists worked with a team led by physicist Steven Cundiff at JILA , a joint institute of physics at the University of Colorado.Gli laser experiments were performed using a semiconductor gallium and arsenic, which took over the new particle , albeit fleetingly . "Even if this happens so quickly , it is useful to understand what happens ," said Cundiff by email .